Website Creation

Portrait offers starter business websites which contain the fundamental key details that your patients need to know. Websites are designed and published using the third party software Webflow.

To determine if a website is included in your launch or an additional charge may apply, please reach out to your Sales representative.

Key details for a Portrait-built website:

The website will not include the ability to:

- Translate into different languages

- Capture email leads

- Be branded to a specific look and feel (fonts, colors, photos)

- Add additional services (we can remove existing ones) 

- Add on any additional features outside of the templated website we offer

To get started with a website, please email your Operations manager and provide the following information:

- Logo
- Preferred URL (Portrait will purchase + own the domain via GoDaddy
- Headshot(s)
- Short Bio(s)
- Licenses/credentials (i.e. RN, BSN, NP, etc.)
- Contact email address & phone number
- Hours of operation

**Website creation may take up to 1 week

Once our team has completed your website, you’ll be sent a Webflow invitation via email to join as a Content Editor. This will give you access to make any small adjustments or additions needed.

Understand Webflow user roles and permissions HERE.

Website Transfers

To gain full control and ownership of your Portrait-built website, please start by creating your own free account with Webflow and GoDaddy. These accounts are essential for managing and maintaining your website effectively.


WebFlow Transfer 

After Portrait has transferred the website ownership, the transferred site will appear locked in our Dashboard and will show that a transfer is in progress. As the recipient, you will receive an email and have a banner notification in your Dashboard informing you that you need to accept the transfer.

Within 7 days of receiving the notification of the transfer, the recipient (you) will need to accept the site by selecting a destination Workspace for the site. If they don’t accept the transfer within 7 days, the site becomes unlocked in your Dashboard (i.e., the original sender’s Dashboard).

IMPORTANT: Transferring your site will result in the site being unpublished and the removal of all custom domains. Adobe Fonts will not transfer. Additionally, the website will be down until you accept the transfer on your end. Once the transfer is completed, Portrait will no longer have the ability to make edits or access your site.

We recommend that you purchase Webflow’s CMS monthly plan.

Weblow Support Center:

GoDaddy Transfer

To accept a GoDaddy transfer and obtain ownership of your domain, you must first have a GoDaddy account and provide your account email address to us.
Once our Operations team has initiated the transfer, you can either accept the domain via email invitation, or log into your GoDaddy account.

Note: Make sure the recipient (you) checks their email and accepts the domain transfer within 10 days. The account transfer will expire if the domain isn't accepted within 10 days.