Retail checkout: Charge Patient for a Future Use Product or Skincare Product for Current Use Without a Service Visit

Discover the process of charging a patient for a future use product or skincare item, even if they do not have a scheduled service visit.

To initiate the transaction:

  1. access the patient's chart in the EHR
  2. navigate to the "Retail Checkout" option in the upper right corner.
  3.  from there, select "Product".

    a.  for Retail - If it's for a skincare product, select the desired skincare product under "Retail" and specify the quantity to be purchased in the box to indicate amount of units (it will be for "CURRENT USE").

    b.  If you are going to charge patient for future use product, select the desired product and specify the quantity to be purchased under "FUTURE USE" box (only option available).
  4.  Finally, complete the transaction charging customer.