[Legacy] Get Portrait Funding/Reimbursements for Discretionary, Marketing, R&D, Advanced Training and Continuing Medical Education

We've got you covered on how to get funding reimbursements for your discretionary purchases.

Once you've qualified for the discretionary budgets for things like training, marketing and education, Portrait can help you fund the investments you are making in yourself. While we do our best to facilitate lots of internal training opportunities, there are great opportunities outside Portrait as well.

The budget restarts every calendar year, so make sure you use all your budget to get the most value from this perk.

If you have not yet requested and completed the one-time Joint Investment Agreement for Discretionary Purchases like Education and Training, please let us know via a support center ticket that you would like us to send you one.

If you have already requested and completed the agreement, send a message via ticket to the support team with the receipt from the purchase and the funding amount will be added to your next monthly pay cycle.